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M. Bimpas

Dr. Bimpas has obtained his BSc. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) on 2000.

His PhD (NTUA, 2004) examined innovative radar techniques in terms of system and antenna design with special emphasis on sensors-based applications and fusion analysis. His main interests lie to the integration techniques of various sensing elements and communication/networking solutions mainly for transport, security and environmental applications.

He has been successfully involved in several European projects dealing with embedded systems, radar sensors, computer vision, machine learning/artificial intelligence and data processing.

He has successfully set up the following EC co-funded projects: LEAKING (FP5- technical manager), WATERPIPE (FP6-ENV- deputy coordinator), MONICO (FP7-SME- deputy coordinator), MEMSCON (FP7-NMP- deputy coordinator), eVacuate (FP7-SEC), PPDR-TC (FP7-SEC), RECONASS (FP7-SEC-deputy coordinator), ICeWATER (FP7-ICT), ZONESEC (FP7-SEC, quality manager), INACHUS (FP7-SEC, technical manager), PANOPTIS-H2020 (technical manager), STAMINA -H2020 (technical manager), euPOLIS-H2020 (coordinator), HEART-H2020 (coordinator), HERON-H2020 (coordinator) and several others.

He has actively participated in more than 50 EC funded and national projects since FP5 during the last 20 years. He has published a number of articles in Scientific Journals and Conferences on sensor related topics and has acted as a reviewer in several Journals on the same topic. He is acting as a reviewer and an evaluator for the EC research proposals.