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D. Pantousa

Mrs. Pantousa is an adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Thessaly.

She holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering , an MSc in Civil Engineering, and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering . She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Thessaly by defending a thesis on post-earthquake fire performance of steel moment resisting frames.

After her PhD, she worked as an Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Thessaly for two years. In 2017 she joined the University of Southampton to work on her Marie-Curie Fellowship (Resilient steel structures under fire and seismic actions). As part of her Marie-Curie Contract at the University of Southampton, Dafni served as Lecturer and Laboratory instructor on topics related to Structural Engineering. In 2019 she joined the Steel Structures Research and Design Group at the University of Patras to work on fracture of steel at elevated temperatures and on an externally funded project on post-fire seismic performance of steel structures.

Her research expertise is related to the response of structures to extreme loads; focusing on the areas of structural fire engineering and structural earthquake engineering. Her research vision focuses on integrating structural modelling, computational methods, and experimental findings into a strategic framework for the performance evaluation and design of structures serving the urgent needs of modern societies for resilience and sustainability.