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Freight transport and logistics are vital to the EU’s Single Market, and for Europe’s prosperity with more than 10.3 million workers employed in the freight industry in 2020. Furthermore, surface freight traffic is expected to rise by 53% in the EU by 2050. Yet, the growth of the sector is not without complications.

The biggest concern is how economic gains from increased demand can be sustained when taking into account adverse externalities and possible rebound effects.

PLOTO is a HORIZON Innovation Actions project that aims at increasing the resilience of the Inland Waterways (IWW) infrastructures as well as their connected land assets to ensure a reliable network availability under extreme weather conditions, accidents and other kind of perils. The ultimate goal is to eventually offer an integrated planning platform to the relevant authorities and operators that will support a more effective management of such kind of infrastructure at operational, strategic adaptation and mitigation level.

Towards this direction, PLOTO aims to:

  • use high resolution modelling data for the determination and the assessment of the climatic risk of the selected transport infrastructures and the associated expected damages
  • use existing data from various sources with new types of sensor-generated data to feed the used simulator
  • utilize tailored weather forecasts for specific hot-spots, providing early warnings with corresponding impact assessment in real time
  • develop improved multi-temporal, multi-sensor UAV- and satellite-based observations with robust spectral analysis, computer vision and machine learning-based assessment for diverse transport infrastructures
  • design and implement an integrated Resilience Assessment Platform environment as an innovative planning tool that will permit a quantitative resilience assessment through an end-to-end simulation environment, running “what-if” impact/risk/resilience assessment scenarios
  • design and implement a Common Operational Picture, including an enhanced visualization interface and an Incident Management System

The PLOTO integrated platform and its tools will be validated in three case studies in Belgium, Romania and Hungary.

SoReCC participates in the PLOTO Project, co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe Innovation Actions under grant agreement No. 101069941, with a duration of 3,5 years (September 2022 – February 2026).

PLOTO includes 3 pilot sites in Belgium, Hungary, Romania and 20 partners from 8 European countries that will work together for the next 42 months.

SoReCC brings to the consortium its considerable expertise in resilience assessment and business continuity aspects.

In particular, SoReCC leads one of the project Work Packages, namely “Vulnerability and Resilience Assessment of IWW and the connected hinterland infrastructures”. The pertinent working group is appointed to employ the appropriate risk tools to undertake a multi-hazard vulnerability assessment for a spectrum of IWW elements. In addition, along with the highly detailed models of the IWW components (e.g., channels, banks, slopes, bridges), it will also provide simplified surrogate models for enabling a near-real-time vulnerability assessment.

Via exploiting the developed hazard and vulnerability models, SoReCC will offer a holistic risk assessment framework, that will eventually formulate the impact propagation model of PLOTO.

The applied modelling and simulation tools will estimate the state of IWW depending on its previous state and/or the states of its interconnected assets. Following the developed risk assessment propagation model, the foreseen work will proceed with delivering the IWW resilience framework. SoReCC will eventually develop an organizational resilience framework which makes it possible for IWW owners/managers, policy makers, etc. to assess the complete resilience of the network.

SoReCC is also appointed to develop a methodology for feeding the damage and degradation assessment results into the resilience assessment, to ensure that the actual state of the IWW infrastructures is always reflected in the risk assessment as well as to analyze a range of different methodologies to identify sector best practices that will maximize business continuity while minimize service disruptions to IWWs under different stressors.

For more information, please visit PLOTO Website and connect with us in Linkedin, Twitter and YouTube.